At Brogan Financial, we care about helping to make the world a better place for our clients, friends, and family. That’s why we choose to donate our resources and volunteer our time at a number of charities and nonprofit organizations throughout the year.
Additionally, we carefully select a worthy charitable cause to support during each holiday season. Together with our employees and clients, we engage with the chosen charity to make an impact on our community. Some of the previous charities we’ve worked with include:
The Navy SEAL
The Navy SEAL Foundation’s programs are focused on the preservation of the Naval Special Warfare force and their families. In addition to monetary support, Jim Brogan has represented Brogan Financial by participating in the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim, benefiting the Navy SEAL Foundation. The 5k open water swim across Tampa Bay is a fundraising event where 100 percent of the proceeds are donated to the nonprofit. The Brogans and Brogan Financial are proud supporters of the United States Military.
East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
For more than eighty-five years, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital has served the children of this region. In addition to operating the busiest Emergency Department in Knox County, the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit takes care of about 700 premature and critically ill newborns each year. The hospital is also East Tennessee’s 25th largest employer with nearly 2,000 full and part-time staff supporting hospital operations. Annual events like the Fantasy of Trees and VOLthon, raise millions of dollars to support the nearly 124,000 children and families who are treated there every year.
Knox County Teacher Supply Depot
The Teacher Supply Depot is a collection center of donated new classroom materials provided free of charge to teachers, their assistants, and other school personnel in Knox County Schools. Their goal is to help reduce educators' out-of-pocket expenses. On average, teachers spend $750 of their own money each school year to purchase supplies and items for their classrooms. The BF Charity Team enjoys leading the efforts to collect items on behalf of Brogan Financial each year.
Knoxville Symphony Orchestra
The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra is the oldest continually performing symphony orchestra in the Southeast. The KSO reaches over 200,000 people annually in Knoxville and communities throughout East Tennessee. Over 70% of KSO events occur not in the concert hall but throughout the community, serving more than 50,000 people through its many education and community partnerships programs. Jim Brogan had the honor of serving on the KSO Board for five years.
Helping Mamas Knoxville
Twenty-two percent of children in the Tennessee area are living in poverty and three in five parents struggle with diaper needs. Helping Mamas Knoxville collects essential items such as diapers, new bottles, clothes, period supplies, and new car seats to be distributed to case workers at one of their seventy partner locations throughout the East Tennessee area. The BF Charity and Impact Teams are proud sponsors to collect on behalf of the Brogan Organization.
The Love Kitchen
The Love Kitchen is 100% volunteer-driven and provides meals, clothing, and emergency food packages to homebound, homeless, and unemployed persons. They work with local agencies to provide meals, secure used clothing, and donate services in the hope of promoting the self-sufficiency of those we serve. The Brogan Staff enjoys serving in the kitchen at times throughout the year.