Money News You Can Use

Jim Brogan, MBA

President and Founder of Brogan Financial

Knowledge is power, and that’s why we created ‘Money News You Can Use.’ We find articles each month and post them here so you can stay informed of the latest financial news and arm yourself with knowledge when preparing for retirement. We know most people don’t have time to sift through hundreds of articles to find the most relevant and helpful ones, which is why we do it for you!

This month's edition of Money News You Can Use dives into the transformative role of AI in the financial markets. We explore the potential benefits and major risks, including insights from an IBM study highlighting how banking and financial markets CEOs are leveraging generative AI to stay competitive despite workforce and culture challenges. Janet Yellen warns of the significant risks AI poses in finance, while other experts discuss AI's potential to predict financial crises before they emerge. With varying perspectives on the use of AI in finance, this edition provides a comprehensive look at the future of AI in the financial industry.


AI and Finances