Old Fashioned Values. Expert Knowledge.
 Genuine Understanding.​

Our Services

At Brogan Financial, we see a wide variety of clients who have varying goals for the next phase of life. Many wish to enjoy a true retirement, void of a dependence on work to fund their lifestyle. Others wish to merely work in the things that are most important to them, whether it be traditional full-time work, part-time work, or charitable initiatives.

Regardless of your own retirement goals, true financial independence is at the centerpiece of a successful life plan. There are many components to a comprehensive financial plan. Many people focus on providing a secure, increasing income. Others focus on the legacy they wish to leave behind for their loved ones.

We believe a comprehensive retirement plan
should address the following key areas:


The day that you retire, you cross a very distinctive threshold. You no longer have earned income. Structuring retirement income is one of the core elements of a successful financial plan.


Investing for retirement is all about determining what you want your money to actually provide for you. We then measure the balance of risk and reward in your portfolio, with a goal of providing the highest probabilities that you accomplish your retirement goals.


Investing for retirement is all about determining what you want your money to actually provide for you. We then measure the balance of risk and reward in your portfolio, with a goal of providing the highest probabilities that you accomplish your retirement goals.


Taxes are likely to be the highest expense you pay over your lifetime.  In this challenging investment climate, minimizing income taxes becomes a crucial part of a successful retirement plan.


A well-written estate plan allows you to take control of your legacy now, providing the peace of mind in knowing your legacy and impact are secure.​


A well-written estate plan allows you to take control of your legacy now, providing the peace of mind in knowing your legacy and impact are secure.​


The average life expectancy in the U.S. today is longer than at any other time in our history, and the cost of healthcare continues to rise. It’s critical that your financial plan accounts for healthcare costs.